Cyber Crime in the world is increasing. In 2022, Indonesia ranked as the 3rd country with the most data leaks according to Dutch digital security organization Surfshark. Gov-CSIRT Indonesia
In 2021, the government sector Cyber Incident Response Team (CITT) was taken over by the Directorate of Cyber Security Operations. Hereafter, this government sector TTIS will be called Gov-CSIRT Indonesia. Its main task is to organize cyber incident response services in the government sector at the request of its constituent services. Its constituents may include the Central Government and Local Government.
Authority of Gov-CSIRT Indonesia
Gov-CSIRT Indonesia has the authority to handle Cyber-related incidents, including Web Defacement, Malware, Phishing, Ransomware, Data Breach, Distributed Denial of Service and Denial of Service, Data Theft, and other cyber incidents that disrupt the continuity of Electronic System services for at least two organizations and at most half the number of organizations in one government sector.
Some government CSIRTs
The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology established Kominfo-CSIRT which is stated in the decree of the Director General of Informatics Applications of the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology Number 01/SK/DJAI/KOMINFO/01/2012 concerning the Establishment of a Central Team for Monitoring and Handling Emergency Response to Government Agency Information Security (Gov-CSIRT).
Ministry of Law and Human Rights-CSIRT
In response to the risk of Cyber Crime threats, the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN) and the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) established the Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT).
The Head of BSSN, Hinsa Siburian, and the Secretary General of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Andap Budi Revianto, inaugurated the Kumham-CSIRT on Tuesday, June 14, 2022, at Graha Pengayoman Kemenkumham, Jakarta. Hinsa said in his speech that Cyber Security has become a strategic issue in many countries, including Indonesia, along with advances in information and communication technology.
This Cyber Security incident response team is responsible for receiving and reviewing, responding to cyber security reports and activities to build cyber power.
The following are the functions of Ministry of Law and Human Rights-CSIRT
- Perform incident coordination, incident triage, and incident resolution as part of reactive services
- Publish information on vulnerabilities, security, and technology trends as part of proactive services
- Organizing consultations, trainings, workshops, and cybersecurity drills as a service to improve security quality.
Hinsa said that in addition to carrying out the above functions, the CSIRT will conduct a sustainable program including improving the capability and maturity of the CSIRT.
According to Andap, the purpose of establishing Kumham-CSIRT is also to fend off all forms of cyber-attack risks and threats.
Salatiga City Government launched CSIRT in Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Room, Salatiga City DPRD Building, Thursday, November 17, 2022. The Regional Secretary of Salatiga City, Wuri Pujiastuti, said that the CSIRT can help Salatiga City Government to properly handle potential cyber incidents.
In the future, Salatiga-CSIRT will coordinate with Central Java Province CSIRT to mitigate and recover cyber security incidents. Hopefully, the CSIRT can support the implementation of the Electronic-Based Government System (EGB). If SPBE is successfully implemented, government governance will be cleaner, more effective, efficient, transparent and accountable.
Ministry of Finance-CSIRT
Secretary General of the Ministry of Finance, Hadiyanto, in his remarks said that the Ministry of Finance-CSIRT was formed due to the demands of digital transformation which became a necessity during the COVID-19 pandemic, which on the other hand also increased the possibility of cyber attacks. Good governance and digitization of public services will also be realized when all lines of the Ministry of Finance are concerned and aware of cyber security.
To maintain the information system at the Ministry of Finance, according to Hadiyanto, comprehensive and comprehensive measures must be taken, covering three aspects of information security – technology, process, and people. It is known that more than 70% of information leaks are man-made. Therefore, Ministry of Finance employees should improve their competence and concern for information security.
This is the understanding of government CSIRT and some government agencies that have established Gov-CSIRT to help tackle Cyber Crime incidents and data leakage.