5 Ways to create a secure hacker-proof password!

5 Ways to create a secure hacker-proof password!

Cybercrime often starts with a user having a weak account password. The fact is, no password is perfect. However, the stronger the password, the harder it is to crack and hack. When you create a new account, some sites advise you to add special characters, capital and lowercase letters, and lots of numbers. While these suggestions are good and make it harder for cybercriminals to hack, sometimes that means it’s just as hard for you to remember.

Tips for creating secure hacker-proof passwords that are easy to remember

Use keyboard patterns

This one wants to be fun and uses the same technique as the smartphone login pattern. Draw a recognizable pattern on your keyboard, then use the letters and numbers as your password.

Use fragments of song lyrics

One method that can produce a secure password that is hacker-proof and easy to remember is by using song lyrics. The trick, choose one line / verse of your favorite song lyrics. Then, use capital letters in the first letter of each sentence. Then, replace certain letters with numbers, punctuation marks, or special characters at the end.

For example, take Dewa 19’s song – Love Will Bring You Back

Love will bring you / back here / reap the longing / wash away the pain / bring with you / your old self / love me for who I am

Reduce the verse to the first letter of each word. Keep the capital letter at the beginning of each line. Then, replace some letters that can be replaced with numbers. End with an exclamation mark.


You’ve finished creating a 20-character password that includes numbers, letters, capital letters, lowercase letters, and one special character. To remember it, all you have to do is sing your favorite song!

Use a favorite quote from a movie you like

A similar technique to the first but uses a famous movie quote to generate the password. This method is considered much more secure because it is highly unlikely that anyone will be able to guess, even if someone knows your favorite movie. Cybercriminals won’t put much effort into getting to know you well.

You can also consider replacing the characters with numbers that are not easy to guess. For example, if most people replace the letter “e” with the number “3”, try substituting the number “6” for the capital letter “E” to make it harder to guess.

For example, T’Challa’s quote from the movie Black Panther (2018)

“In times of crisis, the wise build bridges while the foolish build barriers”

Become 1t0ctwBbwtfBb!

Use personal dates, but not birthdays

The trick is to use the date of an event that you remember as important but no one else really knows about. Take three events, such as the date of your first vacation abroad, the date of your first kiss, and the date you went on a rollercoaster ride.

Swap out some of the numbers for letters and special characters to make the password more complex and strong. Then, replace the slash (/) with a small l, as well as spaces between dates with underscores (like “_”), and end with special characters like “#”. Example password: 20l01l05_27l07l09_05l12l03#

This 27-character password can only be used in systems that can handle very long passwords. So, if the account you created allows long passwords, this will be one of the most secure passwords you can remember.

Use Password Manager

You only need to remember the master password. This app can be likened to a digital vault that keeps all your login credentials safe. Store all your account passwords in this app so that no matter how complicated your password is, you can still write it down.

So, those are 5 ways to create hacker-proof passwords. Which one is your favorite?
