What is Cloud Computing, How it Works, and Its Benefits for Your Business

What is Cloud Computing, How it Works, and Its Benefits for Your Business

The rapid development of Information Technology has driven the growing need for technology in various fields, especially for businesses. One of the latest technologies that is seen as a solution and is believed to be able to improve business competitiveness is Cloud Computing. The presence of Cloud Computing has changed the way the information technology system works in a business, which initially could only access data and applications through hardware or hardware in the office to be able to anywhere with a mobile device.

What is Cloud Computing? Cloud Computing, literally translated as cloud computing, is a data storage system on a server on the Internet. In detail, cloud computing is a process of processing computing power through an internet network that has the function of being able to run programs through computers that are connected to each other at the same time. Examples of cloud computing that you use every day are email and social media. All uploaded data is stored in the ‘cloud’.

What are the advantages and benefits of Cloud Computing for your business? Here are some of them:

Efficiency of IT Infrastructure Costs

Cloud Computing plays a role in IT infrastructure cost efficiency for a business because the company does not need to buy and install hardware or software. The company only needs to invest in a subscription fee.

Improves Performance

The dynamic and rapid global competition forces a company and the resources within it to also follow the current developments in competition. A business is required to be able to provide services without being limited by time and place. With the use of Cloud Computing, everyone in the company can access data and application needs anywhere and anytime. This certainly can improve performance.

Improves Data Security

Data is the new oil. So valuable is every data owned by the company. If in the past all data and documents were still in the form of hard copy files, the company could not control its security because it could be read by anyone. In addition, the risk of losing these documents is also very high. And to be able to access soft copy files is limited to certain devices only. However, with the presence of Cloud Computing, user data security is guaranteed because it is stored in a server that can only be seen by users who are given access. In addition, all files are arranged more neatly and do not take up space.

Dynamic and Easily Customizable

The change in the condition of a business is very dynamic and fluctuating. There are times when a business has a peak graph and requires a large software capacity, but at other times it may decline and only requires a small capacity. Cloud Computing is the answer to changes in the condition and needs of the company. With Cloud Computing, Users/Businesses can adjust their cloud capacity needs without having to buy hardware again. You only need to change the subscription capacity to the cloud provider you are using.

Understanding the importance of Cloud Computing services for businesses, Hypernet is present to provide these services. With the services available at Hypernet, you no longer need to be bothered by the installation and IT infrastructure needs. You can focus on your business, not your Cloud. Contact us for more information!
