For a company, data plays a very important role.
According to the website, based on data from a survey conducted by The Diffusion Group on small businesses, 60% of companies that lose their data are closed after 6 months and 72% of companies that lose their data in large numbers disappear within 2 years.
That’s how much data affects the survival of a company so that its security must always be maintained.
How Companies Protect Data Security?
To protect it, there are two ways that can be done, namely data security and data protection. So what is the difference between data security and data protection? Here is the explanation!
Data Security
Data security is the protection of data from damage or loss due to unauthorized access by unauthorized people. The protection provided is not only from internal but also external. Because data security must be able to protect data from hacker threats, network attacks, data theft, and physical theft.
Data Protection
Data protection is protecting data from the risk of loss and damage by doing data backup and recovery. Companies generally have someone responsible for data protection who is responsible for determining the interval time for data recovery points (e.g., once every 5 hours), up to performing recovery as soon as possible after a data problem occurs. In addition, it also determines which users can access data and data access restrictions.
Although they have different working systems, data security and data protection are interrelated and support each other.
After data protection determines user access restrictions, data security will ensure that the user can only access authorized data. Data protection will also play a role in recovering data when data is damaged or lost due to network attacks.
However, even if the company has good data protection and is ready to recover at any time, it does not mean that you can ignore data security.
Because, the recovery process will take some time so it may cause downtime to work performance.
In addition, data that enters the range of time from the last backup with the next backup schedule will still be lost
The Best Data Security Solution
To meet the needs of corporate data security, Hypernet developed a solution called Security Managed Services.
This service will provide endpoint security and corporate VPN. Ensuring the security of corporate data from virus attacks, malware, suspicious traffic, and other external attacks.
Ready for #TerimaBeres with Hypernet Data Security Services?
Contact us immediately to discuss with our IT expert team about the best data security solutions for you.