Why Fiber Optics Can Be the Fastest Internet Service

Why Fiber Optics Can Be the Fastest Internet Service

Fiber optics, or fiber optics, is a telecommunications network that uses infrared light pulses to carry information. This network is composed of two or hundreds of optical fiber strands that are isolated in an optical cable.

According to the WHOI website, one optical fiber cable with two optical fiber strands can transmit about 24,000 phone calls in the same time frame. The record for data transmission using optical fiber cables has reached 178 terabits, equivalent to 100 million video conferencing services (IEEE Spectrum).

How Fiber Optic Networks Work

Digital information in the form of images, audio, or text is converted into codes to be transmitted through infrared light. This light then propagates through the optical fiber at the speed of light; equivalent to 300,000 km per second.

When the information reaches its destination, a decoder or code reader will convert the information in the form of infrared light into images, audio, or text as before.

Fiber optic networks are available in two cable options; single-mode (single-mode) and multi-mode (multi-mode).

Single-mode optical fiber cable has two optical fiber strands with a diameter of about 5-10 microns (one millionth of a meter) and a straight beam. Thus, information delivery can be more and more distant. This cable is commonly used for cable TV signals, Internet, and telephone signals that are wrapped into one large knot.

Meanwhile, multi-mode optical fiber cable consists of hundreds of optical fiber strands with a size 10 times larger than single-mode optical fiber cable. The light beam on this cable propagates through different paths. Thus, the information that can be carried is only enough for relatively short distances. Generally, this cable is used to connect computer networks together.

What Makes Fiber Optics the Fastest Internet Service Today?

At least, there are 4 main points that support this claim, namely:

  1. Larger bandwidth. As discussed above, optical fibers are very thin. When compared to one metal cable with the same diameter, one optical fiber cable can accommodate more optical fiber strands. Therefore, the maximum data transfer speed or bandwidth of this network is much larger.

As a comparison, the bandwidth of a metal cable is 10 Gbps, while optical fiber reaches 60 Tbps or more.

  • Use of light. The use of infrared light as a medium for information transfer is the main reason why fiber optics can be the fastest internet service. This is because the speed of light can travel further than the electrical signals used in metal cables.

According to Telecom Tech Outlook, the core of optical fiber can carry information as fast as 69% of the speed of light.

  • More stable network. Optical fiber cables have high immunity to temperature changes. No wonder this cable is used in submarine communications systems.

In addition, optical fiber also does not carry electricity, so there is no possibility of interference from electromagnetic signals during data transmission. So, the reliability level of the fiber optic network becomes more stable.

  • Faster connection. Although the transmission distance of fiber optic networks depends on the type of cable and wavelength, optical fiber cables can carry signals further than metal cables. So, the transmitted information can arrive faster.

That is a review of the reasons why fiber optic networks can be the fastest internet service today. The advantages of fiber optic networks do not only include the above four points. This network also has a lower ownership cost because it has a long lifespan and is low-power.

Interested in Implementing Fiber Optic Internet in Your Business?

If you are interested in using this fiber optic network, Hypernet as a provider of fiber optic internet services in Jakarta, provides internet as a service services through the FION product. Please contact us for more information.
