Digital Trends in 2023

Digital Trends in 2023

At the beginning of this year, one of the resolutions you should make and do is to stay up-to-date with the latest digital trends in 2023. By knowing the trends, you can prepare yourself to learn the necessary skills so that you remain secure and not eroded by the competition of the times.

A list of technologies that are predicted to dominate many sectors of life in 2023:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been the talk of the town in the past decade. AI is a series of computers that perform tasks and make decisions that are usually done by humans. Today, the use of AI continues to expand into every aspect of our lives – and the workplace is no exception.

After all, AI has proven its superiority in the fields of image & speech recognition, navigation apps, smartphone personal assistants, ride-sharing apps, etc. Going forward, AI will continue to influence workflows and decision-making in many job sectors. As AI advances, humans will need to upskill to stay relevant in the workforce.

Machine Learning is also now being used in all types of industries that require skilled professionals. Forrester Research estimates that AI, machine learning, and automation will create 9% of new jobs in the United States by 2023. These new jobs include robot monitoring professionals, data scientists, automation specialists, and content curators.

5G connection

The penetration of 5G mobile connections will increase in 2023. In previous years, 5G services in Indonesia were still very limited. The coverage is not yet extensive so it cannot be used ideally.

According to Herry SW, a technology and gadget observer from the website, the potential for 5G will only open up when the government frees up the 700MHz frequency. The frequency was previously used for analog TV services. Analog Switch-off (ASO) has been carried out by the government on November 2, 2022.

“It may be optimal in 2025, but 5G services in 2023 should be better than now,” Herry told KompasTekno.

Changes in 5G connections are not immediately apparent for consumers and office workers. However, faster connections and lower latency will increase the productivity of the manufacturing sector, sectors that utilize advanced automation, and other sectors that require high-speed internet.


Datafication is the process of turning everything in our lives into a device or software that is powered by data. The demand for storing data in a proper and secure way indirectly increases due to this datafication process.

In addition, datafication also creates jobs for IT professionals, data scientists, technicians, engineers, managers, etc. Skills about datafication will be needed for the posts of Data Scientist, Business Intelligence Analyst, Big Data Engineer, Robotics Engineer, and IT Architect.

Digital Trust

With more and more digital technologies being used by people, Digital Trust is also increasing. To create a safer space for digital users, cybersecurity and ethical hacking are two areas of work that will be trending in 2023. If Digital Trust has been successfully established, users will create works with more innovation and reliability.

Cyber Security

Cyber Security has been around for a long time but continues to evolve just like technology. In 2023, user awareness about Cyber Security will continue to increase as security threats are ever-present and constantly innovating. Therefore, new technologies are adapted to improve security. As long as there are hackers, Cyber Security will remain a trending technology.

According to Gartner, by 2025, 60% of companies consider Cyber Security as a key determinant of conducting third-party transactions and business engagements. Inevitably, Cyber Security-related careers such as Malware Analyst, Ethical Hacker, Security Engineer, and Chief Security Officer will offer lucrative earnings by 2023.

So, those are the 5 digital trends that are predicted to be prevalent in 2023. Have you prepared yourself for this year’s digital challenges?
