Apa Yang Harus Dilakukan Jika Nilai Keamanan IT Perusahaan Rendah?

What Should You Do If Your Company’s IT Security Score is Low?

Lack of IT security resources and awareness increases the vulnerability of a company’s IT to cyber attacks. The 2022 Cyber Threat Defense Report found that more than 85% of organizations experienced a cyber attack in the past year alone.

Ignoring cyber security in 2022 is tantamount to inviting danger. So that undesirable things don’t happen, you need to evaluate your company’s IT security score, which helps measure vulnerabilities and strengthen defenses against potential breaches.

What is Security Score?

Security score aka Security Score is an important benchmark regarding how vulnerable an organization is to cyber threats and potential data breaches. This baseline assessment is used by cyber insurance companies to assess risk. This score considers factors such as IT vulnerabilities and potential threats to provide a clear picture of a company’s security posture.

What is the impact of a low Security Score?

A low security score on a company’s IT infrastructure can cause significant losses, giving rise to various risks and challenges. Some of the impacts of a low Security Score:

  • Companies are more vulnerable to becoming easy targets for cyber attacks
  • Hackers are more likely to exploit weak IT security to access sensitive information
  • Significant financial losses and legal liability
  • Disruption of business operations, causing downtime and loss of productivity
  • Damages the company’s reputation and causes customer dissatisfaction

What are 5 important tips for improving your company’s IT Security Score?

Prioritize Risks

Use risk management based on priorities to align with business objectives. These risks can be categorized into high, medium and low priority. Communicate these prioritized risks to relevant teams to take action.

Conduct Employee Training

With phishing attacks on the rise, employee awareness is critical to cyber security. Train your staff to recognize security threats, such as phishing emails, and educate them on best practices such as password management and email source verification. Invite cyber security experts for training sessions or recommend online courses to increase employee knowledge.

Implement Continuous Monitoring

Automated system observability can detect hidden threats and vulnerabilities in your IT environment, enabling immediate remediation. Automation simplifies continuous monitoring and speeds response times, reducing the likelihood of threats becoming incidents.

Work with Secure Partners and Vendors

Many businesses rely on third-party services, so vendor security is important. Establish a strong vendor management strategy to ensure partner security policies align with your business goals and compliance requirements. Implement selection, onboarding, and monitoring processes to mitigate risks associated with third-party vendors.

Restrict device access

Open source code and third parties in company software can be an “entrance point” for hackers to attack your company’s IT. Limit integration with IoT devices and cloud applications to minimize these avenues.

If your company’s IT security scores are low, taking immediate action is critical to effectively mitigating cyber security risks. Prioritize risks, conduct employee training, implement continuous monitoring, work with secure partners and vendors, and limit access to your devices.

Remember, proactive action now can prevent costly security incidents later. Don’t wait until it’s too late!

Hypernet helps you increase the value of IT security which has a positive impact on increasing company IT security, business smoothness and customer trust. Contact CS Hypernet for more information.
